Roland Corporation is a Japanese manufacturer of electronic musical instruments, electronic equipment and software. To help launch Roland Cloud, a new cloud-based music production tool developed by its subsidiary, Roland Virtual Sonics™, I was hired to develop and produce a promotional short film showcasing Roland Cloud™ as an essential product for music producers, without feeling heavy-handed or overbearing in its advertising strategy.

The short film puts a spotlight on Canadian-based EDM (Electronic Dance Music) powerhouse AKYLLA and its creator/producer/vocalist, Sherry St. Germaine. Being an up-and-coming artist, Sherry’s work is passionate, enthusiastic, and honest, and in a landscape prominently dominated by male producers, this piece gave Roland a chance to showcase and uplift one of its users in a socially conscious and compelling way.


  • Virtually zero lead time

  • Quick turn around (⅓ the time normally required for a piece this complex)

  • Tight budget

  • No set art direction (other than to be “promotional” but not “advertising heavy handed”)

  • No set roadmap

  • Creative team influx



Being the first commercial piece this client produced, understanding their expectations and defining the scope of work were extremely important. Coming into this project presented its own set of restrictions and fixed elements, so helping them to know what was possible and what was not, as well as establishing a firm timeline with clearly defined milestones was critical in reassuring the client and keeping them apprised.

Once established and agreed upon, the task of building the best team for the job became top priority, as well as determining vendors, and anticipating production spends and managing overall budget.

Las Vegas


Projects rarely go off without a hitch, but the real trick is making it seem like they did. I pride myself on my ability to think fast, maneuver, and adapt, so that the final product is delivered  as , knowing how to adapt and accommodate to those changes while maneuvering reasonably and accordingly, are all crucial to crossing the finish line successfully.


  • Understanding the scope of the project including time, budget and expectations

  • Respecting the creative throughout the project’s life cycle

  • Navigating through feedback between client and art directors

  • Clear communication with all key stakeholders, so no surprises come up

  • Tight coordination helped the project flow among 4 cities